Tag: wordpress.com

  • Preview the Upcoming WordPress Dashboard

    MP6, the future of the WordPress Dashboard, has arrived on WordPress.com. If you have a WordPress.com blog, visit Users -> Personal Settings in your blog’s Dashboard and check “Enable experimental admin design (MP6)” now! If you follow WordPress development, you may have heard that this was on the roadmap for WordPress 3.6, but was pushed…

  • Two Step Authentication on WordPress.com

    If you have a WordPress.com blog, now is the perfect time to make your account more secure with our new two step authentication! Two step authentication (also referred to as two-factor authentication) requires you to enter a one-time secret code from your mobile device whenever you log in, after entering your password of course, which…

  • Farewell Google Reader

    For better or worse, Google Reader is gone, and no amount of complaining is going to bring it back. Google has made up its mind, probably because they couldn’t make money off of it, which is kind of important for a free service. RSS, and other less-used feed formats, are simply amazing. They make it…

  • Tweet From Your Blog

    Are you tired of your Twitter client, or do you just want to turn your blog into your own social media hub? Well, now you can Tweet from your blog! Yes, I did mention this briefly in my earlier Timepiece post, but I figured it was so cool that I had to mention it again.…

  • Off to Vienna

    I’m off to spend a week with the rest of the Happiness Engineers in Vienna, as we work together to improve your WordPress.com experience. If you’re curious about why we travel to work together, check out this great article about what goes on behind the scenes.

  • Create an about.me Clone with WordPress.com

    Do you like the look of about.me profiles, but already have a WordPress.com blog and don’t want to add yet another third-party service to your internet lifestyle? Well, you’re in luck! Fellow Automattician Nick Momrik has provided a really great tutorial for creating an about.me-style homepage with nothing more than Coraline and a Custom CSS…

  • Premium Themes Live on WordPress.com

    WordPress.com users have always been able to choose from over a hundred free themes, but our infrastructure has prevented users from uploading custom themes, like several popular premium themes. Well, we’re going to change that (or at least offer a great work-around) with the launch of the premium theme store! Starting today, WordPress.com users will find…