Category: Freeware

  • Google Maps Widget Update v1.4

    The Google Maps Widget has been updated to v1.4. This update adds French localization and the ability to remove map controls. This update also fixes a small bug related to double-clicking the map controls. The release notes are available here.

  • Conversation Update v2.14

    Conversation has been updated to v2.14. This update adds a new download window and fixes a few bugs. The release notes are available here. Read the Favored Freeware entry for Conversation here.

  • Favored Freeware: WORLDview Widget

    [The WORLDview Widget is] a world map, presented in a Dashboard Widget, which displays all the countries in the world. It gives you the country map, the national flag, country coordinates, the capital, the continent, and photos from the selected country. Pros: The WORLDview Widget provides quick and easy access to a detailed atlas of…

  • Favored Freeware: Wikipedia Widget

    [The Wikipedia Widget is] a Dashboard widget for browsing Wikipedia. Search for articles and view from the Dashboard, complete with pictures and links. Pros: The Wikipedia Widget provides quick and easy access to Wikipedia’s massive online encyclopedia. Cons: None significant.

  • What is "Free"?

    What is “free”? “Free” is, “not imprisoned or enslaved.” “Free” is, “unconstrained.” “Free” is, “unobstructed, without blockages.” “Free” is, “without obligations.” “Free” is, “obtainable without payment” (Wiktionary). For the purpose of this monologue, “free” is something one receives without returning payment of some form.

  • WordPress v1.5.1.3 Released

    WordPress v1.5.1.3 has been released. This release is a security update and is recommended for all users. Get WordPress v1.5.1.3 now!

  • NVU Update v1.0

    NVU has been updated to v1.0. This is a major bug-fix release. The release notes and download links are available here. Read the Favored Freeware entry for NVU here.