Month: April 2007

  • Favored Freeware: App Update

    App Update is a free Dashboard Widget that can automatically check for updates to your installed software. It supports Apple’s software directory, MacUpdate and Version Tracker. It will present you with a tidy link list of all the updates found, enabling you to read release-notes and download the the updates quickly and painlessly. Pros: App…

  • Blogroll Dive: 4/9/07

    Here are the highlights from today’s Blogroll dive: Bryan is done with Epson printers. Michael shared his favorite podcasts. Rick discussed Twitter. Jim released Yasu v2.0.7. Joen published his April 2007 creative installment. And, Sarah posted information on an upcoming concert of Baroque music in Claremont, California.

  • A Massive Pet Food Recall

    Did you know that a massive pet food recall has been in place since March 16th? I sure didn’t, but I’m glad to know that, out of all of our pet food, only one bag of cat treats may have been contaminated, and all of our cats are fine. In response to reported pet deaths,…

  • WordPress Security Updates v2.0.10 and v2.1.3

    Two security updates have been issued for WordPress. These releases, versions 2.0.10 and 2.1.3, include several security fixes and are recommended for all users. The release notes are available here. Read the Favored Freeware entry for WordPress here.

  • Blogroll Dive: 4/3/07

    Here are the highlights from today’s Blogroll dive: Bryan reviewed the recent changes to the Borders Rewards program. Jim released Yasu v2.0.6. Joen reviewed Apocalypto. And, Sarah shared some select quotations from 20th century composer Charles Ives.