Blogroll Dive: 4/11/05

Here are the highlights from today’s Blogroll dive:

Bryan has a few words to say about stopping spam on WordPress.
Michael has a few words to say about stopping spam on WordPress.
John has a few words to say about stopping spam on WordPress.
And, has a few words to say about stopping spam on WordPress.
Brian discusses the possibility of a video iPod.
Khaled opens the Broken Kode Shop.
Jon discusses the possibility of email tagging.
Matt is glad to be home.
Sarah discovers a way to keep track of Southern California classical music events.
Chris gives us some updates on Shuttle’s progress.
Tom discusses blocking trackback spam with .htaccess.
Podz spends a little bit of down time on updating his blog’s design.
And, Meng designs an easy way to add a distinguishing mark to blog author comments.


4 responses to “Blogroll Dive: 4/11/05”

  1. Hi James,

    just curious, any reason why you use the American date format in the title of the blogroll dive?


  2. I’ve never put much thought into it. I’d assume it’s because I’m American. ^_^

  3. Ah!

    Silly me, for some reason I presumed you were English!



  4. Don’t worry, it happens. ^_^

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